Saturday, December 6, 2008

Killer Smile-Sean Bean

Over the Thanksgiving holiday, I wound up getting sucked into a Lord of the Rings marathon, even though I own the movies on dvd and can watch them whenever I want. I sat and watched the entire trilogy in one day. Although everyone goes on and on about Viggo Mortensen's Aragorn, my heart really belongs to Boromir.

Sean Bean's portrayal of the dark, conflicted Boromir didn't give him much of a chance to show off his toothy, sexy grin. It was only by google searching pictures of him that I discovered some pics of a very happy Mr. Bean (no, not that one).

Perhaps there will have to be a few LOTR pieces in my website's future. I know everyone's going to want to see pretty young Legolas getting it, but I'd much rather play a tune on the horn of Boromir, if you catch my meaning...


  1. Hey Achilles,
    I also prefer Boromir getting foot tickled as opposed to Legolas. Also the hot Prince who was one of the Horse clan? Can't remember his name.

  2. I totally agree with ya Achilles. Sean Bean has a gorgeous smile. I'm glad you found all those pictures... perhaps reference shots for an upcoming piece? :]

  3. absolutely! we need to see more men tickled, not boys. ;-)
