Wednesday, December 2, 2009

An Apology and An Explanation

Hello all,

I received a bit of bad news today. Many of you probably realize that creating tickling artwork has not been my full-time job. I've working in the arts in another capacity for a company for the past 11 years. It was my first real job in my field after graduating from college. When I started there, it was a privately owned company of about 75 people. While it was a corporation, it never quite felt corporate. There was a genuine feeling of working with a family.

Almost two years ago, the company was bought out by a larger corporation, and the original owners and managers were eventually fired. We went from working in a charming, historic townhouse to moving locations into beige, soulless cubicles. In the past 4 quarters, the company has gone through 3 rounds of layoffs. 14 people were let go today, including me. While I expected that our bad financial year would mean more firings, I honestly believed my knowledge and experience made me too valuable to lose. I was wrong.

This economy is affecting everyone, so I know many of you are probably in the same situation or know someone who has lost their job. I would only ask that members of AchillesHeelArt be patient with us over the next few weeks as I get my bearings again. I was completely blindsided by this development.

The good news is, if you're a fan of the work in my gallery, you can expect to see a lot more of it in the coming months. I suddenly have a lot more time on my hands to produce some good stuff.

Thanks for everyone's patience and understanding in advance,




  1. So Sorry to hear about your bad news. Hopefully their loss will be another company's gain.

  2. Sorry about what happened to you, buddy ! But anything that gives ya more time to devote to your Art, I gotta beieve is something of a Good Thing. And I speak as an artist who lives payday-to-payday himself.
    Keep your chin up & yer tickler at the ready !

  3. Truly sorry to hear this news. Hang in there though. Another door will open for you.

  4. You deserve the very best! Hang in there...perhaps you could offer to do erotic drawings on commission...Anais Nin wrote the erotic Delta of Venus during WWll...each story was a commissioned work for which she was paid by the page...she agreed to do it as long as it was published posthumously....anyway, maybe you could find a patron or two somewhere...some of us MUST be flush!

  5. I'm sorry to hear this bad news, I hope you'll find soon another job or maybe the job will find you, even if this happens rarely.
